Pebble Mine site photos by Erin McKittrick other Pebble Mine region photos

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These photos are from the prospective mine site segment of my month-long, 450+ mile Trek through the Pebble Mine watersheds
The Pebble Mine project is a controversial proposal by Northern Dynasty Minerals to build one of the largest gold and copper mines in the world, in southwest Alaska, near Lake Iliamna. Northern Dynasty has not yet applied for permits, but their current proposal involves both a large open pit and an underground mine, as well as removal of the water from the headwaters of Upper Talarik Creek and the Koktuli River ( important fish habitats).
The site sits at the headwaters of two major Bristol Bay drainages ( Nushagak and Kvichak), and potentially poses a large threat to the region's
salmon. This proposal has become a major political issue in Alaska, pitting pro-mining forces against local native villages and commercial and sport fishermen.
Pictures and other files are provided free for download for non-profit use only. Please credit the photographer (Erin McKittrick). For commercial use, please contact me at mckittre at gmail dot com. My photographs of the Pebble Mine area have been published in Alaska and Fly Fisherman magazines, the Bristol Bay Times, as well as by the Renewable Resources Coalition, the Wilderness Society, the Alaska Conservation Foundation, and other environmental groupss.
Click here for Word file with captions, and pdf file showing picture locations.
Watersheds trek photos: Mine Site | Koktuli River | Mulchatna River | Nushagak River | Bristol Bay | Kvichak River | Lake Iliamna | Upper Talarik Creek
Frying Pan Lake - in the heart of the proposed tailings lake. Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 1278 - Wolf tracks on the beach at Frying Pan Lake.
 1280 - Our tarp set up on the shores of Frying Pan Lake.
 1296 - Bird on the water at Frying Pan Lake.
 1304 - Bear on the beach of Frying Pan Lake.
 1309 - Swans on Frying Pan Lake.
 1316 - Swans taking off from the handle of Frying Pan Lake.
 3033 - Hiker overlooking Frying Pan Lake, from a ridge that would be underneath the tailings lake.
 3038 - Sunset on Frying Pan Lake.
 1491 - Fishing at sunset in Frying Pan Lake.
 1494 - Northern Pike caught in Frying Pan Lake.
 1496 - Northern Pike caught in Frying Pan Lake.
 3054 - Fishing on Frying Pan Lake.
 3063 - Building a fire to cook a pike on Frying Pan Lake.
 3074 - Paddling an Alpacka raft on Frying Pan Lake, looking North.
 3091 - Shore of Frying Pan Lake.
 3090 - Northeast corner of Frying Pan Lake.
 3082 - Fishing from an Alpacka raft on Frying Pan Lake.
 3048 - Looking down on Frying Pan Lake, from the east.
 3100 - Looking down on Frying Pan Lake, from the west.
Pebble Mine site landscapes Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 3099 - One of the hundreds of small lakes and ponds in the mine site valley.
 3103 - Sharp Mtn poking above a grassy ridge on the west edge of the mine site.
 3105 - Looking over the mine site valley and exploration drill rigs to a thunderstorm approaching over Groundhog Mtn.
 3115 - Hikers against the dark clouds of a thunderstorm, Pebble West.
 3117 - Hikers watching an approaching thunderstorm over the mine site, Pebble West.
 3127 - Thunderstrom approaching the mine site from Groundhog Mtn, drill rigs glowing against the dark clouds.
 3161 - Looking over Pebble West, Frying Pan Lake, and Lake Iliamna in the background.
 3259 - Looking over the headwaters of Upper Talarik Creek from Groundhog Mtn, with the mine site, Frying Pan Lake, and Sharp Mtn in background.
 3253 - Looking over the headwaters of Upper Talarik Creek from Groundhog Mtn, with the mine site, Frying Pan Lake, and Sharp Mtn in background.
 3120 - Looking east across the mine site valley just before a thunderstorm, Frying Pan Lake on the right, Upper Talarik Creek valley under clouds on the left.
 3121 - Looking across to Groundhog Mtn from the west side of the mine site, Frying Pan Lake to the right.
Mining exploration at the potential Pebble Beach Mine Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 1189 - Drill rigs and helicopter on the divide between Upper Talarik Creek and the South Fork Koktuli River, Pebble East.
 1212 - Drill rig being set up at Pebble East.
 1219 - Oily puddles left behind at an old drill rig site, Pebble East.
 1227 - Oily puddles left behind at an old drill rig site, Pebble East.
 1232 - Exploration drill rig at Pebble East.
 1237 - Workers and spurts of water at a drill rig, Pebble East.
 1239 - Drill rig, with slurry hose leading down to the tundra, Pebble East.
 1240 - Tundra killed by a leak in a drill rig hose, Pebble East.
 1248 - Drill rig on the divide between Upper Talarik Creek and South Fork Koktuli River, Pebble East.
Sorry, no high-res available.
 1249 - Drill rig hose dumping grey slurry into the tundra, Pebble East.
 1254 - Drill rig hose dumping grey slurry into the tundra, Pebble East.
 1257 - Drill slurry running over false hellebore shoots, Pebble East.
 1266 - Monitoring wells in the tailings lake area.
 1269 - Blast crater in the tundra, tailings lake area.
 1332 - Northern Dynasty helicopter buzzing over the mine site.
 3142 - Rain gauge at a weather station on the ridge over Pebble West.
Ridgetop views of the potential Pebble Mine site Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 2980 - Upper Koktuli valley and Sharp Mtn, from the ridge between Upper Talarik and the mine site.
 2996 - Looking across Upper Talarik Creek valley to the Newhalen River valley and Lake Iliamna.
 2997 - Weather station on a high peak over the mine site.
 3001 - Panorama from a peak over the mine site, looking at Groundhog Mtn, Upper Talarik Creek valley, and Lake Iliamna.
 3002 - Upper Talarik Creek valley and Groundhog Mtn, from a high peak over the mine site.
 3034 - Sunset on the ridges over the mine sie.
 3035 - Sunset on the ridge overlooking the mine site, shining lakes in the proposed pit area in the background.
 3040 - Tarp on a ridge above Frying Pan Lake.
Tundra plants in the potential Pebble Mine site. Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 1323 - Mosses and rock in the tundra, tailings lake area.
 1329 - Dwarf willow, tailings lake area.
 1351 - Pink flowers in the June tundra, tailings lake area.
 2986 - Tiny wildflowers on a high rocky ridge above the mine site.
Upper reaches of the South Fork Koktuli River, location of the proposed tailings lake. Click on photo to see a larger version. Click on "high-res" to get a 2-10 Mb file for printing.
 1340 - Headwaters of the Koktuli River, tailings lake area.
 1344 - Headwaters of the Koktuli River, tailings lake area.
 1346 - Beaver clearcut at the headwaters of the Koktuli River.
 1352 - Approaching a weather station on the hill, tailings lake area.
 1379 - Small tundra lakes near the upper Koktuli River, tailings lake area.
 1380 - The upper Koktuli River, a green ribbon snaking through the plains of tundra, tailings lake area.
 1381 - Last of the snow melting from the banks of the upper Koktuli River, tailings lake area.
 1383 - Windblown grassy banks of the upper South Fork Koktuli River.
 1385 - Tundra lake near the headwaters of the South Fork Koktuli River.
 1386 - Wolf tracks on a muddy beach, tailings lake area.
 1387 - Tundra and mountains surrounding the South Fork Koktuli River, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
 1394 - Meandering bends of the South Fork Koktuli River, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
 1395 - Meandering headwaters of the South Fork Koktuli River, just downstream of the proposed tailings lake.
 1403 - Lunch stop in a dry gully, just beyond the tailings lake area.
Photos from my 2005 trip to the site of the proposed Pebble Beach Mine In this set, clicking on the image will get you to the high res (6 - 10 Mb) tif file.
 1 - Me in the tundra
Self portrait on a smoky day, on the tundra just southwest of Upper Talarik Creek.
 2 - Shelter in the smoky hills
My tarp on a smoky morning, at the edge of the mineral deposit.
Frying Pan Lake - Tailings lake area
Pictures taken near Frying Pan lake (in the proposed tailings lake area). Map of photo locations.
 23 - Rock Ptarmigan
This ptarmigan ran ahead of me along the tundra north of Frying Pan lake, trying to blend in.
 24 - Signs of fish
As I was walking the shore of Frying Pan Lake, I came across a pile of fish scales. Each scale is approximately the size of my pinky fingernail.
 25 - Crowberries (heather)
A heavy crop of crowberries, dotted with water from the morning’s rain.
On a hill above Frying Pan Lake.
 26 - Lingonberries
Clumps of not quite ripe lingonberries are surrounded by reindeer moss, the caribou's favorite food. Hills above Frying Pan Lake.
 27 - Fall comes to the fireweed
A stalk of fireweed, past blooming, turns red with the fall. Hills above Frying Pan Lake.
 28 - Blueberry tundra
Ripe blueberries coat the tundra throughout much of the mine area. Hills above Frying Pan Lake.
 29 - Blueberry branch
A luscious crop of blueberries coats the tundra. Hills above Frying Pan Lake.
 30 - Frying Pan Lake #1
Northern hills reflected in the glassy surface of Frying Pan Lake.
 31 - Frying Pan Lake #2
Looking north across Frying Pan Lake.
 32 - Frying Pan Lake #3
Low hills of tundra and alder, just east of Frying Pan Lake.
 33 - Frying Pan Lake #4
One last patch of snow hangs on the hillside above Frying Pan Lake.
 34 - Frying Pan Lake #5
North end of Frying Pan Lake.
 35 - Frying Pan Lake panorama
The reflections on Frying Pan Lake shine in the sun. Looking east across the lake.
 36 - Outlet of Frying Pan Lake
Frying Pan Lake narrows at the southern end, and feeds into the Koktuli River.
 37 - Green world
Alder line the hillside, and grass surrounds a vivid green swamp at a bend of the Koktuli River, just past the outlet of Frying Pan Lake.
Koktuli River Valley - Tailings lake area
Pictures taken in the valley of the Koktuli River, in the proposed tailings lake area. Map of photo locations.
 38 - Caribou hills
A caribou antler, weathered pink, lays on a bed of reindeer moss and blueberries.
 39 - Cracked mushroom
Mushrooms were common on the tundra, mostly bolitas, and were usually cracked on the surface, probably from recent dry weather.
 40 - Cottonwood stand
A stand of cottonwood rises above the brush and tundra. Tailings lake area.
 41 - Koktuli River wetlands
Cottonwoods, willows and tundra make a colorful carpet in the flats of the South Fork Koktuli.
 42 - Dry creekbed
Parts of the Koktuli River can travel underground at dry times of year. Tailings lake area.
 43 - Texture of the landscape
Smooth tundra flanks line a creek bed bristling with willow and alder. Koktuli River, tailings lake area.
 44 - Last of the fireweed blossoms
A field of fireweed lingers in a creek bed. Tailings lake area.
 45 - Helicopter
Helicopters zoomed back and forth over the mine site almost constantly. This was one of at least three I saw regularly.
 46 - Miners' equipment
Small deposits of equipment were scattered across the tundra throughout the site. Tailings lake area.
 47 - Dwarf birch
A dwarf birch hugs the tundra closely to protect itself from the winds that can scour the valley. Tailings lake area.
 48 - Bearberry plants
Red bearberry plants hang on to a rough patch of ground. Tailings lake area.
 49 - Land of glacial ponds
A plain of tundra stretches toward distant hills, dotted with shallow glacier-carved ponds. This is just a tiny corner of the proposed tailings lake site.
Mineral Deposit Area
Pictures taken at or near the mineral deposit area (proposed mine pit). Map of photo locations.
 50 - View across grass and horsetail
Looking across a meadow of grass and horsetail, mineral deposit area.
 51 - Horsetail meadow
A lone alder sits in a meadow of horsetail and mounded tundra. Mineral deposit area.
 52 - Horsetail and blueberries
Horsetails stick out from a carpet of blueberry plants. Mineral deposit area.
 53 - Horsetail
Horsetails decorate the tops of tundra mounds. Mineral deposit area.
 54 - Ground squirrel hole
Ground squirrel holes and trails were common anywhere the ground was dry. Mineral deposit area.
 55 - Beaver dam
A beaver dam stretches out across a small lake. Mineral deposit area.
 56 - Drilling setup
A constant grinding noise emanated from this camp in the mineral deposit area, adding to the roar of the helicopters.
 57 - Drops on a web
Fine water droplets coat a spider web strung between sprigs of heather. Mineral deposit area.
 58 - A spider's trap
A tiny spider web hugs the tundra, coated with a fine mist. Mineral deposit area.
 59 - Ptarmigan flight
As I walked down the hill above the mining camp, I startled a large flock of ptarmigan.
 60 - Mining camp
A base camp for mining reconnaissance at the bottom of the hill containing the mineral deposit.
 61 - Mining camp #2
Looking at the camp and east across the valley. Helicopters flew in and out of here frequently.
 62 - Sparkling morning
Sparkling wet leaves of a small bush. Next to the mining camp, mineral deposit area.
 63 - Fall in the wetlands
Red foliage and bog cranberries poke up from a thick mat of sphagnum moss. Flats below the mineral deposit area.
 64 - Reindeer moss
This favorite food of the caribou carpets the drier tundra. Flats below mineral deposit area.
 65 - Red mite in green sphagnum
A tiny red mite makes its way across a bed of green sphagnum moss. Flats below the mineral deposit area.
Watersheds trek photos: Mine Site | Koktuli River | Mulchatna River | Nushagak River | Bristol Bay | Kvichak River | Lake Iliamna | Upper Talarik Creek